Dear Friend,
We invite you to join us for the 13th Annual Hawley Spring Run: A Race for Mental Wellness!
We will always remember the Whitman Family and their efforts to raise awareness for suicide prevention and we will continue to honor Tyler and others we have lost to suicide. This is our third year leading the Hawley Spring Run and hope that you join us as we honor those we have lost and provide hope to those that may be struggling.
This race theme, A Race for Mental Wellness, focuses on the need to raise awareness about mental health and mental wellness and the resources in our community. This year’s event will, once again, be held at Bingham Park in Hawley on Saturday, May 31, 2025. The event will open at 9 with race start 10 am.
This non-profit event is a timed 5k run/walk with T-shirts, trophies, medals, music, refreshments and mental wellness materials available. In addition to supporting NAMI programs in our community, your sponsorship will help support an annual scholarship/prize to 3 Wallenpaupak Area High School Seniors. To qualify, students are invited to submit an essay on “What is Mental Wellness? How can I support my own wellness? How can I support others?” Our goal is to educate as many students as we can about mental wellness!
Whether you are a longtime supporter or new supporter, we appreciate you and will proudly display your name or business name on the back of each T-shirt! See attached for more information on the variety of sponsor levels. We will also have a raffle and appreciate gift certificates and/or baskets. If you are interested in supporting this event, please fill out and return the attached form. Thank you very much.
NAMI Northeast Region PA
Race for Mental Wellness Team