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The program is taught by family members of people with mental health conditions who have received intensive training to present this education. All instruction and course materials are provided free to class participants.​


What you'll learn:


  • How to solve problems and communicate effectively

  • Information to help you care for yourself and manage your stress

  • How to support your loved one with compassion

  • Information on local supports and services

  • Up-to-date information on mental health conditions and how they affect the brain

  • How to handle a crisis

  • Current treatments and therapies

  • The impact of mental health conditions on the entire family

  • You are Not Alone!


While the training is free, registration is required.  Register Here!

Call NAMI Northeast Region at 570-342-1047 or email for more information.​​

Family-to-Family class scheduled for

April 24 through May 15, 2025!  

8 Tuesday & Thursday Evenings 


The Family-to-Family Education Program is a free, confidential, evidence-based

8-session course for family, partners and friends of people living with mental health conditions. 



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This is a free, confidential, evidence-based 6-session education program for parents and other caregivers who provide care to youth, age 22 or younger, who are experiencing mental health symptoms.

Topics covered include:

* Brain biology
* Different types of mental health professionals & treatment options
* Overview of the mental health care, school and juvenile justice systems
* Preparing for & responding to a crisis
* Understanding the challenges & impact of mental health conditions on your family
* Problem solving & communicating
* Advocating for your child
* Develop confidence & stamina to support your child with compassion
* Taking care of yourself
* Accepting that mental health conditions are no one’s fault


The Peer-to-Peer Recovery Education Program is a free 8-session recovery-focused course for adults with mental health conditions.  This free and confidential course is led by peers with mental health conditions and is held weekly for two hours. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

This program is a great resource of information on mental health and recovery and provides respect, understanding, encouragement and hope by building on the strength and resilience of the participants.  


Participants will gain the ability to:

  • set a vision and goals for the future

  • partner with health care providers

  • develop confidence for making decisions

  • practice relaxation and stress reduction tools

  • share their story

  • strengthen relationships

  • enhance communication skills

  • learn about mental health treatment options


This training is free but registration is required.


In Our Own Voice

In Our Own Voice (IOOV) is a public education program developed by NAMI in which trained speakers share their compelling story of living with mental illness and achieving recovery to help change attitudes, assumptions and ideas about people with mental health conditions.


These free presentations provide a personal perspective of mental health conditions, as leaders with lived experience talk openly about what it's like to have a mental health condition.

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Now Scheduled:

In Our Own Voice Presenter Training!

April 22 & 23, 9 am-2 pm in Scranton 

Click to            to register for this free training! ! 

Mental Health First Aid

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Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training are 8-hour, evidence-based programs that help people be more comfortable giving support and information to someone who is struggling with a behavioral health problem (mental health or substance abuse).


Like regular first aid, MHFA is the temporary care given to someone until professional care can be rendered. Graduates of this training become aware of others' behavior as well as their own and learn about resources in the community as well as communication strategies, along with the importance

of self-care.

Mental Health First Aid allows for early detection and intervention by teaching participants about the signs and symptoms of specific illnesses. The program offers concrete tools and answers key questions like “What can I do?” and “Where can someone find help?” Participants are introduced to local mental health resources, national organizations, support groups, and online tools for mental health and addictions treatment and support.

Contact the NAMI Northeast Region office at 570-342-1047 or email at to find out how to bring this important training to your organization or to enroll in an existing training.

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